Home Insurance
What will homeowner’s insurance protect against?
Your home is the usually the biggest purchase you will make and is your most valuable asset. If you have any damage, you need an insurance agent that will find the best company to fit your needs and settle your claims quickly. At Signature Insurance and Investment Services, Inc, we will help you find the right fit for your needs with providing quality service and affordable pricing.
Homeowner policies will differ on where you live, the valuables in the home and which coverages you choose. A comprehensive plan will cover you financially if you have a loss due to fire, theft or other events, in addition to the event if someone is injured on your property.
At Signature Insurance and Investment Services, Inc, we have the home insurance specialists that can tailor a specific package to your needs and risks. We have access to many top rated companies to find you the best fit at a fair price. We can quickly compare rates to ensure you don’t have any gaps in coverage down the road.
Homeowners insurance policy coverages
- Property Coverage – to pay for repairs to your home, garage or other buildings that are damaged.
- Personal Property – if you have a loss of valuables in your home like jewelry, electronics or guns due to theft or damage.
- Liability – this will cover if there is a claim when someone is injured or their property is damaged.
- Medical Expenses – this would be medical coverage for someone that is injured, other than a resident, on your property.
- Living Expenses – if you have a complete loss, you may need extra temporary housing or food when you’re forced from your home.
There may also be other coverages that you many want to consider in addition to your basic homeowners policy. These may include personal umbrella, automobile, flood, earthquake or jewelry insurance. Our agents at Signature Insurance and Investment Services, Inc can help you understand your other risks and help you evaluate whether you may need additional coverages in your home insurance plan.
Here are some additional lines of insurance that we service
- Beach Homes
- High Value Homes
- Rental Dwelling
- Secondary Residences
- Vacation Homes

Car Insurance
All of the Insurance companies we represent provide a wide range of auto Insurance products at a fair price. Your price gets even better if you qualify for any of our available discounts. When applying for auto insurance, you’re usually asked whether you want collision and/or comprehensive coverage, how high you want your deductible to be, what liability limits you want, and whether you want any types of optional coverage. We can help you understand what these terms mean and how much coverage is right for you.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options
Collision and comprehensive (other than collision) coverages
Collision and Comprehensive (other than collision) coverages pay for damage to your automobile. You can purchase either or both of these coverages for each vehicle you own. If you have an auto loan you may be required to purchase both.
- Collision coverage insures you against damage to your vehicle caused during an accident.
- Comprehensive (other than collision) coverage insures you against all other physical damage to your car caused by such events as fire, theft, flood, and vandalism.
Collision and comprehensive (other than collision) coverage usually includes a deductible, which can range from $100 to $1,000. If your car is damaged, the Insurance company pays only for the damage in excess of the deductible you selected. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.
Medical Payments coverage
Medical Payments coverage pays medical expenses (up to a specified dollar limit) for you and passengers of your car who are injured in an automobile accident, no matter who is at fault. If you and your passengers have health Insurance, you may not need this coverage.
Optional coverage
Optional or special coverage includes extras such as towing, rental reimbursement, and roadside assistance. None of these coverages are required.
Liability coverage
Liability coverage pays for injuries you cause to other people and damage you cause to other people’s property when you are at fault in an automobile accident.
Personal Injury Protection
Some states require Personal Injury Protection, which is also known as No-Fault coverage. This coverage pays for things like medical and rehabilitative expenses, replacement services, and funeral expenses. It also pays for loss of income if you are injured in an auto accident and are unable to work.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage
This coverage pays if you are injured by a person who is completely uninsured or doesn’t have enough liability Insurance to cover your injuries. It also covers you if you are in an accident with a hit-and-run driver.
How much do I need?
Choosing the appropriate level of auto Insurance coverage depends on a number of factors, including assets you must protect (liability coverage), value of your vehicle (collision and comprehensive), the amount of money you can afford to pay out-of-pocket (deductibles), and your tolerance for risk.
Here are some additional lines of insurance that we service:
- Antique Cars
Our professional auto insurance agents can assist you in finding the right car insurance you need.
Personal Umbrella Insurance
Umbrella insurance is there to protect you if you are liable for something big. Similar to an umbrella, it is there to fill in coverage caps that you may have from your other insurance policies.
For example, if you’re in a big car accident and need to cover replacement and medical costs, umbrella insurance can help in these extra costs. Instead of just having your normal auto insurance coverage, umbrella insurance gives you the additional coverage you may need.
Umbrella Insurance Policy
Umbrella Insurance can assist in the claim and payment processes by covering costs when all other insurance is exhausted. This makes the handling of claims and payments made a much easier process. Signature Insurance and Investment Services, Inc can help find the right umbrella policy to fit their needs.
Contact us to find out more about home, auto, and umbrella insurance.